It is irresponsible comments like this that cause low self esteem, eating disorders, and body dysmorphia. My gf, who is amazing on stage and camera (not a bias opinion, I met her as an actor first) and who books work constantly, has wonderful humor and is truly in love with acting, so this man's comments, ultimately, will only fuel her desire to earn more work and chip away at making changes to the industry she loves...
... but since I only do acting jobs when they're projects I am passionate about, I'm gonna shoot it to you straight...casting directors, directors, producers, etc. need to remember that actors are people with feelings and that the industry is rampant with sexism, racism, narcissism,ageism, and discrimination of all kinds. How about having some integrity, how about setting aside your ego, and need to feel powerful, and avoid perpetuating an already unbalanced situation, where women are sexualized and marginalized daily! How about remembering that actors are usually in love with acting and drive many miles or travel many boroughs, and spend a lot of time, gas, money, and effort chasing around opportunities.
It only exacerbates a gender biased industry when you call a beautiful, intelligent, talented and thin woman, "fat", in front of 9 other auditioners. How do you think this comment made this group of women feel? The comment belittled every woman in the room and rendered them powerless in that moment.
Later, he had the arrogance to post pictures of auditioners in sports bras on his FB page. Really? Did he have their permission? I bet he didn't even consider that would be necessary and/or respectful. Did he consider that these women might only want photos of this nature published, if they are actually being paid? And only if they are being photographed by a professional, not a voyeur in the audition room?! Or is it because they are actors that he cavalierly believes this is his right to post pictures of what and who he pleases in his audition room? Mocking one of them and addressing his readers, some of whom are surely future auditioners, he wrote, "make sure and wear a tiny dress and leopard gogo boots... TOO CUTE*." Ugh! This comment was meant to mock or praise an auditioner, who wore that described outfit to a workout audition. I guess he liked her "tiny" dress and "gogo" boots???
To the many casting directors, directors, and producers who have respect for actors and their craft, that value actors' time and efforts, I want to thank you personally, because I used to be one of those actors running around town and I know what it meant when you went out of your way to be ENCOURAGING. We all need to work together and recognize that we need each other to make the magic happen.
Perhaps, it is time this industry had a Code of Ethics like so many other professions. More on that at a later date...
Oh and my gf booked 3 jobs that same week :) including the one referenced in this scenario!
Wanna make a difference? Check out
and particularly for the guys out there, check out
Silence is inaction. Speak up. Speak out. You might have some trepidation, but take it from me, addressing real issues and skipping the playing of politics is quite liberating.
Until next time, be true to you.